Project Report Settings

Reporting Settings

The report settings screen is used create and setup new reports.

How to use Report Settings
Report SettingsAttributeDescription
Report Details
  • Name
  • Channels
  • Type
  • Data Source
  • The name of the report
  • The channels to includes in the report
  • The type of report: Pie, Line, Column and Table (Table is useful when using the export to CSV feature)
  • The data to use for the reports, the most common setting here is 'Interactions'
Data Settings
  • Interactions
  • Variables
  • API Calls
  • Code blocks
  • Plumbs
  • Use the data from Interactions for the report
  • Use the data from Variables for the report
  • Use the data from API Calls for the report
  • Use the data from Code Blocks for the report
  • Use the data from Plumbs for the report
Time and Date Settings
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • The start date for the data query
  • The end date for the data query
  • The start time for the data query
  • The end time for the data query
Default Settings
  • Default Report Columns
  • The other data that you want to be included in the report, this is mostly applicable with the Table type of report and useful with CSV and Table data.