Channel Settings*

Visual Channel Settings


How to use

Base Framework

CSS Framework to be loaded into the Visual Channel (HTML) of the runtime application

Load Stripe JS

Tell the browser to load the stripe javasript ( Required for payments on visual channel.

Push to Voice

Push to Voice is used when you want to push changes in the visual flow to the voice flow - this is recommended to be set to 'Push'

Get Push IP from Header

If Push to Voice is enabled, this flag tells Camlin to get the IP of the voice browser from the header that was sent by the voice browser in the URL HTTP request

Header with IP/Hostname

If Get Push IP from Header is turned on then this is where you can set the name of the header containing the IP of the voice browser

Location of voice server

If the IP or host name of the voice server is not in the header (Get Push IP from Header = no) then use this to set it manually

Wait for Other Channels

If Push to Voice is enabled, this setting tells the visual flow to wait until it has a positive recognition from the voice browser or SMS service that the interaction has changed on those channels and the user has been notified by voice/text

Fail over interaction

If Wait for Other Channels is enabled, this setting can be used to set an error/404-type screen if something happens and the voice or SMS channels are in a strange state and cannot for some reason be notified or changed.

Web-page Title

Set the title of the HTML page so that it appears with the company name or app name in a URL or in the browser screen of the device.

Static Navigation Bar

HTML Code for navigation bar that will be applied for all visual interactions

Static Footer

HTML Code for footer bar that will be applied for all visual interactions


CSS class names that will be added to the body of the HTML when page is loaded

Interaction Container CSS

CSS class names that will be added to the container that holds the HTML for visual interactions

Voice Channel Settings


How to use

Voice Platform

The voice browser or cloud service to execute the voice flow, for example: Holly HVP, Asterisk, Camlin Voice, Cisco CVP

Speech Synthesizer

Text to Speech (TTS) engine to be used in the voice flow. TTS engines can be managed in Camlin AI, see TTS/ STT

Speech Language and Voice

The language and voice in the TTS engine

Format : languageCode_voiceName, for example: en-AU_Standard-A for Goole TTS

Speech Recognizer

Speech to Text (STT) engine to be used in the voice flow. STT engines can be managed in Camlin AI, see TTS/ STT

Recognizer Language

The language code in the STT engine

Sync with Visual Assist

Method to synchronize the visual channel with changes in the voice channel state or interaction.

This can be Push (Web socket) (recommended) or Pull (Polling)

Poll if Push Fails

If Sync with Visual Assist is in Push mode and a web socket cannot be setup with the browser, this flag tells the flow if it should fall back to polling

Poll Interval

The polling interval if Sync with Visual Assist is in Pull mode

Wait for Other Channels

If Sync with Visual Assist is set to Push mode, this setting tells the voice flow to wait until it has a positive recognition from the web browser or SMS service that the interaction has changed on those channels and the user has been notified by visual/text

Fail over interaction

If Wait for Other Channels is enabled, this setting can be used to set an error/404-type interaction if something happens and the visual or SMS channels are in a strange state and cannot for some reason be notified or changed.

Text Channel Settings


How to use

SMS and Messaging

This flag tells the flow to run your application on an SMS/messaging channel

Wait for Other Channels

This setting tells the text flow to wait until it has a positive recognition from the web browser or voice browser that the interaction has changed on those channels and the user has been notified by visual/voice

Fail over interaction

If Wait for Other Channels is enabled, this setting can be used to set an error/404-type interaction if something happens and the visual or voice channels are in a strange state and cannot for some reason be notified or changed.

API Channel Settings


How to use

Update Visual Channel

If turned on, the visual channel will be updated when an API channel changes the current interaction in session