Visual Interaction

Visual interaction can contain different components such as background, logo, headings, buttons, etc. Here are a few steps to configure components of Visual interactions

Interaction Background

Visual background can be easily set using a background image that is already uploaded under your Project Assets. Here is the setting on Interaction modal


Here is a sample interaction with white background image


A logo can be set on top of your interaction using the Logo Image setting with position and size parameters. Size parameters(width and height) should be provided in percentages. Here is how you set the logo 

Here is an interaction with the logo set at the top centre position with 25% width and height

Interaction Items

There are different interaction items available for Visual interactions. Let's have a look at few of them

Flow Button

This item is used to create a flow button, which basically works like a hyperlink. This item can be connected in the Camlin Studio wireframe Visual channel view for building a flow. Let's have a quick look at this interaction item and its settings.

Add a Flow Button

To add a flow button simply select it from the interaction Items Type drop-down, give it a name and add on the + button.

                                        Once added it appears as a link                                                                 

Customize Flow Button

You can easily style this link to look like a button for example. Just double click on the interaction item on the left and that will open a settings screen on the right. Under those settings tab, click on HTML to put in an HTML that you want to use to style this Flow interaction item

   Once you put in a custom HTML, the updated item will appear with your custom HTML applied   

Here is an html snippet designed using materalize css

<div class="waves-effect waves-light btn btn-large pc90 margin-sm var:color_scheme:var"><i class="large material-icons left">chevron_right </i> <div class="right">Next</div> </div>

Best practice : It is advisable to use a variable for your button color as mentioned in the above snippet. This basically allows you to quickly change all the buttons to a different color on all of your interactions. Always use variable substitutions for such things like color, size, etc. The variable in the above snippet is declared in your project, and in this case it is saved as  a text var with naem color_scheme and value as cyan.

HTML Embedded

This item is used to embed custom HTML elements such as labels, headings, free flow text, inputs, etc

Add an HTML Embedded interaction item

To add a flow button simply select it from the interaction Items Type drop-down, give it a name and add on the + button.

Customize HTML Embedded

 It is a blank item by default and has no effect until you add an HTML to it. To customize, just double click on the interaction item on the left and that will open a settings screen on the right. Under those settings tab, click on HTML to put in an HTML that you want to use. Here is a sample of  a header HTML

<div class="var:color_scheme:var white-text" style="height: 38px; width 100%; font-size: 20px; line-height: 40px">Appointment Maker</div>

Here is the result on the generated interaction

    To make this HTML embedded item appears on the top, it was simply dragged and dropped to the top of the list of items