RPA Call

What is an RPA call?

The RPA (Robotic Process Automation) component provides the capability for the application to utilise external software to gather data from existing web pages. The first type of RPA supported in Camlin Connect applications is a Cypress automation script and this is configured to operate similar to an API call in that it has input and return variables. 

How to use an RPA call

Unlike an API transaction an RPA is always synchronous and the flow will wait until the RPA transaction has completed before continuing with the flow. The RPA request is sent via a HTTP Post message to a Node application running Cypress that can automate the website interactions and return with a response to the RPA block.

Data from Camlin Connect variables can be sent to the Node application by using variables in a similar way to an API call, but restricted to query parameters unlike the API which can handle other types. However the best way to add information from Camlin Connect variables is to insert the variable data into the Cypress script by using the var:var_name:var method which will replace that part of the script with the current value for the variable 'var_name'.

RPA SettingsAttribuesDescription
RPA Basics
  • Name
  • Type
  • Info
  • Wait
  • Retry
  • Set the name of the RPA operation
  • Cypress/Node is the only supported type at this point
  • Provide an optional description on the RPA
  • Set the wait / timeout value of request, this is important with an RPA transition as some systems may be slower to respond
  • Set the number of retry attempts required on error
RPA Configuration


  • Script
  • Variables
  • Name

  • The Cypress Script (which can be copied and pasted into the script text area) will be sent in the payload of HTTP message.
  • A list of variables that can be sent in the query string
  • If required RENAME the variable to be sent.


  • Variables in JSON Response

The Node application sends back a JSON object containing an array of variables that will be retrieved using the Json path configured in the default value of the variable chosen, similarly to how an API works. For instance the variable would be configured with a default value something like: $.balance

Application Settingscamlin.rpa.cypress.node.urlTo configure the location of the Node application running Cypress the variable camlin.rpa.cypress.node.url can be configured in your application with a default value containing the URL of the Node application.