
What is an Interaction

An interaction component is used to show a prompt or menu that will be presented to a user or system. This can be used across voice (Speech and DTMF), visual (HTML), Text or API interfaces

Interaction Overview

Interaction ViewsAttributeDescription
  • Wire
  • Real
  • used for development purposes.
  • Shows the real view of the application
  • Visual
  • Voice
  • Text
  • API
  • abc
  • abc

  • Zoom
  • SIM
  • Zoom in and out of interaction view
  • Show application in Visual Simulator

Interaction Settings

How to use Interactions

Interaction SettingsAttributeDescription
Interaction Details
  • Name
  • Type
  • Background
  • HTML settings
    • Title / Class
    • Sub / Class
    • Info / Class
  • Logo Settings
    • Logo
    • Position
    • Width
    • Height
  • abc
  • abc
  • Log in Reporting DB
  • API on Enter
  • API on Exit

Default setting logs interaction details in reporting Database. Unselect if required

  • abc
  • abc