General Settings*

Below table explains all setting attributes of the project general settings

Settings Type


How to use


Project Name

Set the name of your project here


Description of the project and features - please note that a verbose description is preferable as this is used with project print/export etc.


Project version, uneditable. To manage version see Versioning


Project Token

A unique token string (alphabetical and numeric characters) to identify this project on all channel endpoint URLs (e.g. in a URL from a web browser)

Send SMS

A flag to indicate if a handoff SMS is automatically sent to user at the start of a voice flow to bring in a visual assist channel with a handoff token and URL inside the SMS


Session Timeout

Amount of time in seconds to wait for a session timeout after inactivity across any channel


AI Intent Engine

Selection of which intent engine to be used in the project. Management of all intent engines (Google, Microsoft, IBM etc) is in a different module on Camlin console called Camlin AI

Enable AI on Channels

Flags to see if the AI is enabled on specific channels: Visual, Voice, Text. If the flag on a channel is enabled user input interpretation for that channel will use the selected AI intent engine.